DKF Market Data Person of the Year 2024 – Kees Brooimans

DKF Market Data Person of the Year 2024 is Kees Brooimans

The laudatory speech was held by Dr. Alexis Eisenhofer

The “DKF Market Data Person of the Year” award for 2024 goes to Kees Brooimans, a pioneer in the market data industry. In his career spanning over four decades, Kees Brooimans has significantly shaped the landscape of market data solutions. From his early positions at Vam Lanschot and Datastream, through founding the Screen Group, to co-founding MDP4U, Kees has consistently demonstrated his ability to identify market opportunities and build successful companies. His tireless commitment to excellence and deep understanding of the market data ecosystem have made him a highly respected figure in the industry.

Kees Brooimans Kees Brooimans Kees Brooimans Kees Brooimans Kees Brooimans
DKF Market Data Person of the Year 2023 – Christian Baha

DKF Market Data Person of the Year 2023 is Christian Baha

The laudatory speech was held by Dr. Alexis Eisenhofer

Christian Baha founded his company TeleTrader in Vienna in 1993. However, he only gained widespread recognition through his hedge fund Superfund. With an outperformance of several hundred percent after the bursting of the New Economy bubble, it became a unicorn with a volume of 2 billion USD. This great success brought him worldwide fame and even an appearance in the Hollywood film ‘Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps’ alongside Michael Douglas. His market data company was recently delisted from the stock exchange and now bears the name of its founder: baha.

Christian Baha Christian Baha Christian Baha Christian Baha Christian Baha
DKF Market Data Person of the Year 2022 – Dr. Wolfgang Dietl

DKF Market Data Person of the Year 2022 is Dr. Wolfgang Dietl

The laudatory speech was held by Dr. Alexis Eisenhofer

In 2001, Dr. Wolfgang Dietl established a market data unit called IDS Analysis and Reporting within Allianz to optimally evaluate their own portfolio and support portfolio managers in their search for alpha. The unit has grown to over 300 employees and has also gained a good reputation outside the parent company. Many competitors of the insurance company want to utilize the services of this market data unit at the very least. There is probably no provider in the market that does not supply data for the GenericProductName. They have integrated more than 50 data sources.

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Dr. Wolfgang Dietl Dr. Wolfgang Dietl Dr. Wolfgang Dietl