
The baha GmbH is a leading provider of innovative web-based market data terminals.

The baha Terminal provides full access to all functions and real-time data, whether you work from home or are in the office. It needs no installation, runs on all common OS and therefore is the ideal real-time terminal for banks, asset managers and family offices.

If you are on the move, you can connect the baha Terminal with our top-rated native baha App, so users can react instantly from everywhere to market events.

With the fastest baha News updates from our own baha Breaking News editors our baha Terminal clients are always a step ahead of other market participants.

The baha WebService (BWS) empowers our customers to integrate all necessary market data into their systems and applications.


baha GmbH

Marc-Aurel-Straße 10-12

1010 Wien


DI Bernhard Dörflinger, MMag.Wolfgang Matzner

Phone: +43 676 84901123

Fax: +43 (1) 533 16 56 20

